News & Events

ADR Services
Mar 29, 2022

Mediation Settlement Week

Mark your calendar! Our neutrals are available the week of Monday, May 16, 2022 – Friday, May 20, 2022, to virtually settle your personal injury and landlord-tenant/HOA disputes. If you have a case on the verge of settlement that requires a mediator’s help, we encourage you to schedule a two (2)... read more

Mar 17, 2022

The Shrinking Scope of Arbitration and Confidentiality Clauses in Sexual Harassment and FEHA Cases

The #MeToo movement continues to reshape the law at the federal and state level. On March 3, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021 (Act), completely barring mandatory arbitration of sexual harassment cases nationwide. In California, the Silenced... read more

ADR Services
Mar 14, 2022

ADR Services, Inc. Sponsoring the California Women Lawyers Annual Conference

ADR Services, Inc. is proud to sponsor the California Women Lawyers’ (CWL) 2022 Annual Conference. The CWL Annual Conference will feature panel sessions of top lawyers and professionals who will offer practices and tools you can use to “fill your own cup first” to maximize your mental health and well-being,... read more

Mar 11, 2022

Hon. Susan Lopez-Giss (Ret.) Joins ADR Services, Inc.

ADR Services, Inc. is proud to announce the addition of Hon. Susan Lopez-Giss (Ret.) to our panel of distinguished neutrals. Judge Lopez-Giss served 15 years as a Judge for the Los Angeles Superior Court, with the entirety of her time on the bench devoted to Family Law. Judge Lopez-Giss presided... read more

ADR Services
Mar 11, 2022

Getting to the Mediation Table – A Path to Success

Presented by the Alameda County Bar Association Sponsored by ADR Services, Inc. More cases are being mediated than ever before, but getting there takes skill. We will help you broach the topic of mediation with opposing counsel while not seeming weak or desperate; show you how to choose the right... read more

Mar 1, 2022

Hon. Angela M. Bradstreet (Ret.) Joins ADR Services, Inc.

ADR Services, Inc. is thrilled to announce that Hon. Angela M. Bradstreet (Ret.) has joined our exclusive panel of distinguished neutrals.During her tenure as a Judge of the San Francisco Superior Court, Judge Bradstreet spearheaded the Court’s highly successful judicial settlements program and presided over Civil Trials and Settlements for... read more

Feb 14, 2022

Pandemic’s Silver Lining for the Courts

The coronavirus has led to inconvenience, case backlogs, and court closures across the nation. Yet thanks to Zoom and other videoconferencing platforms, commercial mediators and arbitrators have stepped up to fill the void and remained on the front line to help parties resolve disputes out of court. Virtual bargaining tables... read more

ADR Services
Feb 3, 2022

Resolving Cannabis Disputes

Presented by the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the San Diego County Bar Association. This program offers 1. 0 General MCLE Credit. Featuring:

  • Hon. Jacqueline Connor (Ret), Neutral, ADR Services, Inc.
  • Hon. James Lambden (Ret), Neutral, ADR Services, Inc.
More than half the states have now decriminalized, permitted... read more

Feb 2, 2022

Privileged Remarks (Determining the Scope of a Nondisparagement Clause in a Settlement Agreement)

Nondisparagement clauses are commonly used in settlement agreements. Some clauses are simple one-liners such as “The parties agree not to disparage each other.” The agreement in Monster Energy Co. v. Schechter (2019) 7 Cal.5th 781 had a more detailed clause that did not limit “Plaintiffs’ attorneys’ ability to disparage (within... read more

Jan 31, 2022

PINCUS Professional Education 7th Annual Advanced Appellate Program, featuring Hon. Ming Chin (Ret.)

PINCUS Professional Education has gathered an all-star panel for its 7th Annual Advanced Appellate Seminar. This year it will be a two-part webinar. PART 1: Tuesday, February 15, 2022
PART 2: Thursday, February 17, 2022 Times for both sessions: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. PST Speakers include multiple justices... read more