News & Events

Dec 7, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Mediation

Who could have imagined that 2020 would wind down with Californians still in basic lockdown, conducting business mostly via virtual platforms such as Zoom, Webex, and FaceTime? Who would have imagined how swiftly lawyers and mediators would take a deep dive into new technology and rapidly gain proficiency? Lawyers are... read more

ADR Services
Dec 4, 2020

Complimentary MCLE Days

Join us for a full day of MCLE Programs and earn up to 7 hours of MCLE credits, including the 6 required specialty MCLE credits.

Nov 26, 2020

Hon. Joe Hilberman elected to the National Board of ABOTA

Hon. Joe Hilberman, a full-time neutral with ADR Services since 2009,  has been elected by the Los Angeles chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) as a National Board Representative ABOTA dedicates itself to the preservation and promotion of the Seventh Amendment, which guarantees the right to civil jury trials.... read more

Nov 25, 2020

Jake Courtney Joins the International Academy of Trial Lawyers

Jake Courtney Joins the International Academy of Trial Lawyers Jake Courtney, Esq. of ADR Services, Inc. in Los Angeles became a member of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers (IATL) in 2020. The International Academy of Trial Lawyers limits membership to 500 Fellows from the United States, and... read more

ADR Services
Nov 6, 2020

Mediating and Resolving COVID-19-Related Contract and Commercial Lease Disputes

The COVID-19 pandemic and a series of government shutdown orders have negatively impacted many contracts and commercial leases, either preventing or slowing performance and upending the expectations of contracting parties. As resulting contract and lease actions enter the court systems, the parties and the court will have to unravel complex... read more

ADR Services
Nov 5, 2020

COVID-19 and Disability Claims

On November 5th Will Work For Food will have a unique format for you. Hear from three sides of a disability claim – the mediator, plaintiff counsel, and defense counsel. Join Arnold Levinson (the mediator), Glenn R. Kantor, Attorney for insureds, and Misty A. Murray, Attorney for insurers.... read more

ADR Services
Oct 30, 2020

ADR Times – Share Mediation Briefs to Save Time and Get Better Results

Mediation briefs should be shared well before the mediation session: to save time in session; to give each side the full force of the other’s positions; to give each side time to carefully consider the other’s positions and calmly prepare a response; to begin establishing the settlement ballpark. Let’s consider... read more

ADR Services
Oct 27, 2020

The Story of Triumph Over Tragedy

At the helm of ADR Services, Inc., its Founder and President, Lucie Barron has become for some, synonymous with the concept of alternative dispute resolution. Lucie has had a remarkable professional and personal journey. Born in Germany of Russian parents who were prisoners of war, Lucie spent the first few... read more

ADR Services
Oct 26, 2020

ZOOM: The Future of Virtual Dispute Resolution

About the Program: How to be effective in Zoom Hearings, including the nuts and bolts of using the technology from a logistical standpoint, how to prepare clients for virtual dispute resolution and how to achieve the best resolution for your client via a virtual platform. Presentation by:

Oct 23, 2020

Daily Journal – A tale of civility

October 9 marked the seventh anniversary of the date on which the State Bar of California recommended to the Supreme Court that a new California Rule of Court be adopted to add the now familiar concluding wording of the attorney oath which states, “As an officer of the court, I... read more