Comm. Glenn P. Oleon (Ret.)


Commissioner Glenn Oleon served as a family law court commissioner for the Alameda County Superior Court from 2003-2013. He began his private law practice in 1976, which emphasized family law, estate planning, probate and civil litigation. In 2011, Alameda County Bar Association (ACBA) Volunteer Legal Services Corporation honored him with the “Mentor of the Year” award. Commissioner Oleon is available to mediate throughout Northern California including the East Bay.

Professional History

  • 2013-Present  Mediator and Private Judge, ADR Services, Inc. (San Francisco)
  • 2003-2013 Commissioner, Alameda County Superior Court (Hayward, Oakland, Alameda and Fremont) Family Law, Domestic Violence, Juvenile Dependency and Delinquency, Unlawful Detainer, and Small Claims
  • 1979-2003       Principal Attorney, Law Offices of Glenn P. Oleon (Hayward, Castro Valley and Oakland) Solo civil practice with emphasis on family law, estate planning, probate litigation and administration
  • 1976-1979 Associate Attorney, Law Offices of Raymond N. Baker (Hayward) General civil practice


  • 1976 J.D., University of California at Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
  • 1972 A.B., University of California at Berkeley (Communications and Public Policy)

Career Highlights

  • Admitted to practice, California Supreme Court and United States District Court (Northern District of California) 1976
  • Joint lead attorney, Estate of Auen (1994) 30 Cal.App.4th 300
  • Associate attorney, In re Marriage of Slater (1979) 100 Cal.App.3d 241
  • Judge Pro Tem, Alameda County Superior Court. Family Law, Probate, Juvenile Dependency

Academic Experience

  • Adjunct Professor (Family Law), Golden Gate University School of Law (San Francisco)
  • Presented at dozens of continuing education seminars for:
    • State Bar of California
    • California Continuing Education of the Bar (CEB),
    • National Business Institute (NBI),
    • Alameda County Bar Association (ACBA),
    • Volunteer Legal Services Corporation (VLSC),
    • Alameda County Family Law Association (ACFLA)

Memberships & Awards (partial listing)

  • Earl Warren American Inn of Court, Oakland (Member 2006-2013, President 2008-09)
  • Board of Directors and Chair of Family Law Section, Alameda County Bar Association
  • Board of Directors, Legal Aid Society of Alameda County
  • Mentor of the Year, Alameda County Bar Association, Volunteer Legal Services Corporation (2010)

Representative Cases


  • Ten years as a Superior Court Commissioner, primarily in a Family Law calendar and trial assignment.
  • Decided dozens of contested discovery motions.
  • Worked with counsel and parties to develop hundreds of case management and discovery plans.
  • Over 26 years as an attorney in a general civil litigation practice emphasizing Family Law, Estates and Trusts, and other civil litigation including personal injury, collections and business disputes.


  • Successfully represented major national charities at trial and on appeal in high profile will contest case alleging fraud and undue influence by attorney against her elderly client.
  • Decided contested case in which primary issue was whether mandatory and discretionary distributions to trustee/beneficiary should be treated as income for purposes of calculating entitlement to receive spousal support.
  • Assisted parties and counsel in reaching settlement of several contested guardianship actions between parents and grandparents and between maternal grandparents and paternal grandparents.
  • Decided ongoing guardianship dispute between maternal grandmother and relatives of deceased father who was murdered by the children’s mother.
  • Helped parties resolve termination of guardianship when parent with substance abuse problems regained competency to care for herself and her children.


    • Achieved settlement of post-judgment child support modification dispute despite highly contested claim of extraordinary high earner status.
    • Successful Family Law Mediation. Primary issues included property division focused on disputed separate property reimbursement claims; mutual waiver of spousal support in long term marriage; and child support where neither party has regular employment.
    • International divorce following short term marriage with no children. Successfully mediated issues of property division and termination of spousal support.
    • Mediated settlement of divorce action commenced in 1996. Primary disputed issue was determination of Husband's community property interest in home acquired by Wife by inheritance prior to parties' marriage.
    • 18 year marriage with allegations of domestic abuse. Successfully mediated settlement of multiple issues including: separate property claims, spousal support, child support, and custody.
    • Long term marriage with minor and adult children. Primary issue was division of property with significant disputed separate property claims. Successful mediation also resolved issues of custody, child support, spousal support and attorney fees.
    • Successful mediation of dissolution of marriage of action. Primary issues were division of multi-million-dollar community property estate with significant separate property claims; spousal support issue involving high earning payor and payee with zero income and substantial property holdings; and child support.
    • Served 8 years on the bench in a full-time Family Law calendar and trial assignment.
    • General civil practice attorney for 26 years with an emphasis on Family Law.
    • Conducted numerous trainings for attorneys on custody and visitation, spousal support, child support, property division, and other Family Law topics.
    • Successfully assisted counsel and parties in settling of hundreds of contested Family Law cases.
    • Presided over hundreds of trials in all areas of Family Law
      o Child custody and visitation, including high conflict cases involving move-aways, school choice, substance abuse and parental alienation
      o Temporary and permanent child support and spousal support, including guideline calculations, deviations from guideline, high earners, self-employed individuals and business owners, and imputation of income
      o Complex property divisions, including valuations of businesses and retirement plans
      o Attorney fees and sanctions
      o Domestic violence
    • Worked with numerous experts in a variety of fields including forensic accountants, business and real estate appraisers, vocational consultants, and custody evaluators.

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    • Decided hundreds of contested requests for attorney fees and costs in Family Law cases
      o Needs based fee requests under Family Code section 2030 et seq.
      o Requests for sanctions under the Family Code and Code of Civil Procedure.
    • Arbitrated dozens of attorney/client fee disputes through Alameda County Bar Association Fee Arbitration program.
    • Member of Alameda County Bar Association Fee Arbitration Committee for over ten years.


    “Thank you, Commissioner Oleon, for your assistance in this case. The use of ADR services for the final stages of this dissolution matter was amazing to say the least! Due to such efficiency by you and the rest of the staff at ADR, I don’t think I can ever not use ADR to finalize the divorce process.”

    Commissioner Oleon was fantastic. Excellent knowledge of law and skillful mediator, not common with former judicial officers.”

    “Commissioner Oleon was excellent and got our case settled.”