Hon. Elizabeth R. Feffer (Ret.)


Hon. Elizabeth R. Feffer (Ret.) has been providing mediation, arbitration, and referee services full-time since 2020, with an impressive track record of successful settlements across a broad spectrum of civil cases. She has also arbitrated numerous cases through hearing and final award. As a mediator, Judge Feffer has received praise from clients for her attentive approach, taking the time to fully comprehend the intricacies and dynamics of each case, and working diligently to ensure all parties reach a fair and reasonable resolution. Judge Feffer’s personable yet professional demeanor and persuasive nature has earned her the reputation of being an effective mediator. Her practical and insightful perspective allows her to realistically address the parties’ needs while fostering a constructive environment for resolution.

As a Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court for 13 years, Judge Feffer served in various roles, including an unlimited jurisdiction civil independent calendar court for six years, a civil trial court for three years, and a family law court for four years. During that time, Judge Feffer presided over more than 75 civil jury trials, more than 500 civil bench trials, hundreds of evidentiary hearings, and numerous settlement conferences, with a diverse range of complex factual and legal issues. Judge Feffer has handled a wide array of cases, including employment litigation, professional liability, personal injury, elder abuse, products liability, business litigation and partnership disputes, real estate litigation, land use litigation, eminent domain, insurance coverage, insurance bad faith, and entertainment cases.

In addition to her civil court assignments, Judge Feffer served four years in the Family Law Division, where she presided over, and issued rulings on, thousands of cases involving all types of contested and complex family law subject matters, including business valuation, property valuation and characterization, validity of pre-marital agreements, child custody and support, and spousal support.

Prior to her appointment to the bench, Judge Feffer worked as a partner and trial lawyer litigating civil actions in state and federal court, on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants.

Judge Feffer is highly regarded for her thorough preparation and ability to connect with litigants, understanding and appreciating the conflicting perspectives involved in disputes. She is committed to working on matters until they are resolved to the satisfaction of the parties.


2007 – 2020     Judge of the Superior Court, Los Angeles

  • Unlimited Jurisdiction Independent Calendar Civil Court, 2015-2020
  • Civil Trial Court, 2012-2014
  • Family Law Calendar Court, 2008-2012
  • Criminal Calendar Court, 2007


  • 1993   University of Southern California, Gould School of Law, Juris Doctor
  • 1993   University of Southern California, Master of Arts, Communication Management
  • 1990   University of California, Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies


  • Business
  • Elder Abuse
  • Employment
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Entertainment
  • Legal Malpractice
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Partnership Disputes
  • Personal Injury
  • Real Estate and Land Use


  • 2005 – 2007   Jones & Mayer, San Marino, California
  • 1993 – 2004   Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP, Los Angeles, California


  • Los Angeles Superior Court: Bench-Bar Committee, Community Outreach Committee, Rules Committee, Security Committee, Lemon Law Task Force
  • Civil Jury Project at New York University School of Law: Judicial Advisor
  • California Lawyers Association, Litigation Section: Executive Committee, Judicial Advisor
  • Judicial Council of California’s Education Division / CJER: Judicial Branch Leadership Development Curriculum Committee, Online User Group, and Court Security Education Committee (Subject Matter Expert, Court Security). Co-author, Unofficial Bench Guide, ‘Lemon Law Cases’
  • California Judges Association: Retired Judges Committee; Civil Law & Policy Committee
  • National Corvette Restorers Society (NCRS): Flight and Concours Judge (Chapter)


Judge Feffer is well known for her eloquence, respectful and decisive judicial temperament, and exceptional legal knowledge. She is regularly engaged as a speaker and panelist on litigation-oriented topics for various associations including ABOTA, LACBA, CAALA, ASCDC, ABTL, Beverly Hills Bar Association, the California Lawyers Association, the State Bar of California, and the Civil Jury Project at NYU School of Law.

For a complete list of Judge Feffer’s speaking engagements and publications, please visit her website at www.JudgeFeffer.com.




  • Commercial lease
  • Breach of contract
  • Contract interpretation
  • Non-compete contracts
  • Public works and public entity contracts (design defects and cost overruns)
  • Construction defect
  • Unfair and unlawful business practices (Business & Professions Code § 17200)
  • Uniform Trade Secrets Act


  • Physical abuse
  • Neglect
  • Financial abuse


  • ADA compliance
  • FEHA (Fair Employment and Housing Act)
  • Workplace discrimination, harassment and retaliation based on age, gender, sex, sexual orientation, race, national origin, and religion
  • Wrongful termination and constructive discharge


  • Directors & Officers (D&O) Coverage
  • Fires (wildfires and arson)
  • Classic/collector automobiles



  • Medical malpractice
  • Dental malpractice
  • Bedsores in care facilities
  • Abandonment of patient


  • Partnership dissolution
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Accounting


  • Automobile
  • Bicycle
  • Pedestrian
  • Negligence
  • Defamation (including online internet postings)
  • Sexual assault and abuse
  • School expulsion
  • Dog bite
  • Dangerous condition of public property
  • Public transportation (bus, light rail, train)
  • Asbestos
  • Civil rights/police misconduct/police excessive force
  • Product liability
  • Assumption of risk
  • Gas leak
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and CTE including from professional sports


  • Homeowner Association disputes
  • CC&Rs disputes
  • Eminent domain
  • Inverse condemnation
  • Construction defect
  • Commercial lease disputes
  • Residential lease disputes
  • Landlord-tenant disputes
  • Partition and accounting of real property
  • Real estate sales commission
  • Quiet title
  • Mold infestation
  • Public and private nuisance
  • Property boundary disputes
  • CEQA compliance
  • Zoning


  • Contract disputes (including credits)
  • Royalties
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Wrongful termination/FEHA


  • Eminent domain and inverse condemnation
  • CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act)
  • Zoning and land use
  • Dangerous condition of public property
  • Public works contracts
  • Police liability/civil rights
  • College tenure disputes
  • Personal injury actions involving public transportation


  • Legal malpractice
  • Dental malpractice
  • Architectural malpractice
  • Construction defect


Representative Cases


  • Part time employee who was terminated for excessive absenteeism said her absences were due to her disability, and that the employer failed to engage in the interactive process. The employer denied liability, and contended that the plaintiff's medical records did not support the plaintiff's allegations.
  • Alleged sexual harassment and retaliation action by former employee against employer.
  • FEHA action for wrongful termination, retaliation, disability discrimination and harassment by former employee against former employer.
  • Action for wrongful termination in violation of public policy and the FEHA by a managerial employee in the automotive industry. The employee claimed that he was terminated due to religious discrimination and harassment, and out of retaliation for having filed a DFEH claim. The employer denied the allegations, and contended that the termination was proper, based upon the employee's performance.
  • Action for racial discrimination and retaliation in violation of the FEHA, and constructive termination, by a former employee who contended that his supervisor used a racial epithet and, after reporting it to company management, was subjected to retaliation. The employer denied all allegations.
  • Former employee who was fired for excessive unexcused absences contended that she had a disability and that the employer unlawfully failed to accommodate her and engage in the interactive process. Employer contended that it asked the employee for weeks for a medical form from a health care provider regarding the absences, as required by the attendance policy, and none was forthcoming by the deadline set forth in the policy.
  • Action brought by three police employees and a non-sworn employee alleging religious and racial harassment, discrimination, and retaliation by the City’s new police chief. The City denied the allegations, and contended there were legitimate non-discriminatory reasons for the personnel actions.
  • A professional athlete-turned-television announcer was suddenly ordered to stop working by the network, after some viewers contacted the network to complain that the announcer had used a racial slur when announcing the event. The announcer denied that he had used a racial slur, but was instead describing the athlete’s style of play, and sued for wrongful termination.
  • A popular fitness cycling instructor working at a fitness chain wanted to work at another, higher paying position at a more specialized fitness chain owned by his employer. The employer contended that plaintiff was bound by a “non competition” agreement preventing the move. The validity of the agreement was contested.
  • A long-term mechanic supervisor with a “Top Secret” clearance at an aircraft assembly company alleged wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation when he was laid off after taking worker’s compensation leave, and his duties were given to younger employees. The employer contended that it had legitimate, nondiscriminatory reasons to eliminate plaintiff’s job, and that plaintiff was medically unable to perform the essential functions of another job.
  • Action for wrongful termination brought by former employee of a television show, contending that the show’s celebrity host locked the employee in a room, yelled and threatened her with adverse employment action for allegedly leaking details about the show.
  • An octogenarian community college math professor sued the community college district employer for age discrimination when the district changed his class schedule and class sizes, and did not offer him a full time position when he was first hired.
  • Action for wrongful termination by live-in butler of wealthy and famous employer.
  • A city housing rehabilitation counselor sued for wrongful termination (whistleblower retaliation and disability discrimination). The city contended that it terminated plaintiff because its investigation concluded that the plaintiff had engaged in serious misconduct.
  • A bank senior mortgage specialist sued for wrongful termination and disability discrimination, contending that the bank improperly fired her after taking worker’s compensation leave. The bank contended that it legitimately fired plaintiff due to her taking an unauthorized leave of absence, and failing to provide medical documentation to justify the leave.
  • Two trucking company salesmen contended that they were wrongfully terminated, and subjected to age, religious, and racial discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
    Defendant employer contended that it had legitimate, non-discriminatory reasons for the employment actions, and that any derogatory comments were isolated and sporadic.
  • A county pharmacist sued for wrongful termination due to age- and disability-related, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The county contended that it terminated him when its investigation determined that he had illegally dispensed medication without a label.
  • Action for retaliation and wrongful termination brought by employee who contended that he was terminated for his role in union organizing activities. The employer contended that plaintiff, a supervisor, treated his subordinate employees so terribly that the subordinate employees wanted to unionize, to protect themselves from plaintiff.
  • Action for sexual harassment and employment discrimination by an attorney against her former employer.
  • Sexual harassment action brought by a female lifeguard against the employer.
  • Wage and hour action brought by former employee of an adult day health care provider.
  • A security guard at a motion picture studio alleged disability discrimination after he sustained an injury at work. The studio contended that it reasonably accommodated plaintiff’s job limitations.
  • Employment discrimination action brought by a president of defendant company, when the plaintiff refused to terminate an underperforming employee who was over the age of 40. Plaintiff alleged an “associational discrimination” and retaliation case, in that he was “associated” with the employee he had been asked to fire.
  • Wrongful termination and disability discrimination action brought by teacher at a county juvenile camp. The county contended that the teacher had failed to properly exercise management and control over the classroom.
  • Disability discrimination action filed by nurse against her former employer, a hospital, contending that she was wrongfully terminated. The hospital contended that plaintiff took unauthorized leaves of absences.
  • A corporate national trainer was terminated for purportedly poor performance. Plaintiff contended that the termination was pretextual, and that she had been fired based upon her mental disabilities.
  • Wrongful termination action brought by truck driver who was terminated by his employer for allegedly failing to submit to a required sleep apnea test.
  • A hospital supervisor sued for employment discrimination after he was terminated after taking what the hospital deemed to be excessive leaves of absence.
  • A church volunteer employee contended she was wrongfully terminated when she complained of what she believed was illegal financial mismanagement of church funds by the deacon. The church contended that it properly terminated plaintiff for her giving a stipend to her daughter, who was also a church volunteer.
  • Employment discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination case brought by former factory worker against her former employer. Plaintiff contended that she was harassed. The employer contended that it properly terminated plaintiff when she failed to return to work after taking leave.
  • Wrongful termination action brought by a textbook publisher’s sales employee, who was terminated when her videotaped comments containing political statements were displayed on the internet. Plaintiff had been told that she was being videotaped for research conducted on behalf of California’s Attorney General. Plaintiff expressed her personal opinions about various clients (e.g. school boards) and political issues. The interview was instead being conducted by journalists, who posted the interview on their website. In the wake of the publicity, the textbook seller terminated plaintiff. Plaintiff sued the journalists who videotaped the interview, and her former employer.
  • A genetic counselor sued for wrongful termination, contending that she was a whistleblower who was terminated after her employer coerced her to change her notes regarding discussions with a client, a pregnant woman who had received genetic test results indicating that her fetus had Down syndrome. The former employer contended that it legitimately terminated Plaintiff for her deficient job performance.
  • The director of legal affairs and president of several telecommunications companies sued his employers for wrongful termination, retaliation, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duty. Defendants asserted sovereign immunity, insofar as they were organized under the laws of two Native American tribes.
  • Action for lost wages, overtime, and other compensation by a home health care provider against his employer.

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Fee Dispute

  • Civil action by a litigation expert witness whose fees were unpaid by the retaining law firm, and who contends that the retaining law firm defamed him in its written review of his testimony. Defendant law firm contends that the expert misrepresented his experience and areas of expertise, so could not be used in the litigation, and, further, over-billed for his services.

Business / Partnership Dissolution

  • Action for civil RICO, fraud, and construction defect by a homeowner arising out a large pool and back yard construction project against the franchisee contractor and the franchisor.
  • Alleged breach of contract and professional negligence by architect pertaining to construction plans for several multi-family housing structures. The architect and the firm denied that there was any negligence, and contended that any delays in plan approval was caused by the property owner's failure to timely pay city plan check processing fees and/or to timely communicate authority for plan changes.
  • Action for breach of contract by uniform maintenance provider for car dealership and service department, for cancellation of existing service contract.
  • Breach of contract action between art dealer and artist for past and future commissions on popular and valuable "pop art." The dealer contended there was an unwritten partnership agreement entitling him to commissions received on certain past and future sales, and sued for lost commissions. The dealer also possessed a number of artworks that the artist contended belonged to him, so the artist counter-claimed for conversion for return of the artwork.
  • Homeowner sued lending sources for "green energy" property assessments arising out of certain home improvements performed on the property. A dispute arose as to the scope of work to be completed under the contracts, and whether the work was performed satisfactorily.
  • Action by founders of a medical device company, for breach of contract and financial elder abuse, who sold their business during the COVID-19 pandemic, were terminated shortly after the sale, and were allegedly not adequately compensated for the sale of the business. The buyer cross-complained for breach of contract, alleging that the sellers acted improperly after the sale, and frustrated the new owner's ability to make the business profitable.
  • Hotel construction and renovation company sued its former CEO and other former employees for alleged theft of trade secrets and lost profits, from a hotel renovation job that it allegedly lost due to Defendants' actions. Defendants, who founded a rival company, denied taking any trade secrets. The former CEO also cross-complained for the unpaid portion of his severance pay.
  • Breach of contract action seeking indemnity under dealer agreement, between dealer/installer of residential solar energy systems and the equipment supplier.
  • Commercial collections dispute for account stated and breach of contract between two merchants (supplier and retailer) involving application of section 2-207 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), i.e. a "battle of the forms," as to which terms applied, including responsibility to pay tariffs, length of warranty on the consumer good sold (electronic radios), amount of prejudgment interest, and recoverability of attorneys' fees.
  • Plaintiffs were musicians who contended they entered into an agreement with defendants, a film composer and his company, to compose portions of the musical score for a full-length feature film. Plaintiffs contended that defendants refused, and failed to share credit and give them their full agreed-upon portion of the royalties. Plaintiffs filed suit for promissory fraud, intentional misrepresentation, promissory estoppel, breach of oral contract, declaratory relief, and accounting. Defendants cross-complained for defamation, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, intentional interference with contract, and unfair competition in violation of Business & Professions Code Section 17200 et seq.
  • Plaintiff sued a famous actor who had worked at a noted Los Angeles improvisational theater, contending that the actor’s association with the theater fraudulently led people to believe that they, too, would become famous if they took lessons at the theater.
  • Plaintiff, a music promotion company, alleged that it was defrauded by defendants, a noted a rap star and his agents, for the rapper’s suddenly backing out of a scheduled performance at a music festival. Plaintiff contended that, because the rap star was the headline act, the entire music festival had to be cancelled. Plaintiff also alleged that its deposit, of over $200,000, was not returned. Plaintiff sued for breach of written contract, conversion, breach of implied contract, common count (money had and received), and fraud.
  • The former president and general manager of the motion picture group of a global media and entertainment company sued the company and its principals, contending that he was denied compensation generated by an IPO of a portion of the group, and that defendants then mismanaged the company. Plaintiff also contended that he was forced to resign after complaining of fiscal mismanagement. Plaintiff asserted numerous causes of action, including breach of contract, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, promissory estoppel, promissory fraud, constructive discharge, retaliation in violation of Labor Code section 1102.5, and unfair business practices in violation of the Unfair Competition Law, Business & Professions Code Section 17200. Defendants cross-complained for fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and negligence, contending that Plaintiff was a “once trusted corporate officer” who was instead a “deceitful charlatan,” and that Plaintiff’s employment contract was terminated due to Plaintiff’s poor performance and asset mismanagement.
  • Plaintiff, a noted entertainer, and his company, contended that they executed a written agreement for defendant producer and his LLC company for defendants to produce a documentary film about the Plaintiff entertainer’s life. The project, however, allegedly did not go forward because no documents had ever been filed with the California Secretary of State to create and qualify defendant LLC as a valid and existing limited liability company. Plaintiffs filed suit for declaratory relief, seeking a determination that the written agreement was void, that a certain provision therein was unconscionable, and that Plaintiff entertainer had not transferred his right of publicity to either defendant for the purpose of producing a documentary about his life. Plaintiffs also sought a determination that all film footage belonged to Plaintiffs and should be returned.
  • One of the original Mercury 7 astronauts saw what he believed to be sunken shipwreck sites during his space missions, and recorded his observations on maps. Decades later, a television network created a reality TV show based on these maps. The widow of the astronaut sued the producer and network, contending, among other things, that they had wrongfully kept the maps.
  • Dispute between two equal shareholders, a managing officer and a medical doctor, of a company founded by the doctor to provide intraoperative monitoring and diagnosis during brain surgery. The managing shareholder filed suit to involuntarily dissolve the company. The defendant corporation then cross-complained against Plaintiff, alleging several causes of action including breach of fiduciary duty and conversion. Plaintiff then cross-complained against the other 50% shareholder individually, and the company, in a shareholder derivative action, for removal of a director, and for breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Breach of contract action brought by documentary filmmaker who had been hired to create a documentary about a landmark Los Angeles residence; the property’s owners fired the filmmaker when they learned he had wanted the film’s focus to be on the unflattering aspects of the personal life of the residence’s first owner rather than the famous property itself.
  • Heir of famous author entered into a contract for a screenplay based on the author’s book. A dispute with the screenwriters ensued.
  • Breach of fiduciary duty action brought by celebrity against his business manager, contending that the business manager breached his fiduciary duty to the client by attempting to evade liability in a dispute over ownership of a portrait of the celebrity’s former girlfriend.
  • Malicious prosecution action brought by a movie artwork publisher against a motion picture studio and its law firm subsequent to a decade of intellectual property litigation in the United States District Court and in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The studio had sued the movie artwork publisher for infringement of the studio’s trademark of an iconic cartoon character. The publisher ultimately prevailed in the federal litigation.
  • Malicious prosecution action brought by retailer who had been sued by a disabled individual for violations of the ADA. The disabled individual had committed suicide during the underlying case, so the action was dismissed. The retailer then sued the law firm which had filed the lawsuit, and the estate of the deceased plaintiff.
  • A contractor hired by a school district to upgrade the fire alarm system at two elementary schools, for a contract amount of $1 million per campus, contended the district breached its contract by failing to pay for the work performed. The district admitted that it withheld some of the payment, contending that the contractor included improper items and quantities in its proposal, essentially using “phantom quantities” to improperly inflate the proposal cost, and also failed to properly complete the work.
  • Action alleging breach of contract and lost profits brought on behalf of an airport concessionaire.
  • Action for alleged illegal business practices brought by an out of state non-profit “animal rights” organization seeking to enjoin several Los Angeles area rabbis, synagogues, and congregations from performing a centuries-old religious ritual performed in connection with the Jewish High Holy Days. Plaintiff contended the ritual, which involved chickens, violated several laws including animal cruelty laws.
  • After being evicted from their operating site, the owners of a catering company sued their previous landlord and the site’s new tenants, another catering company, contending breach of contract and violation of a confidentiality agreement.
  • A tourist transport business purchased two commercial coach tour buses which broke down. When repairs allegedly did not remedy the engine defects, the company sued the manufacturer and distributor for fraud, breach of contract, breach of warranty, and lost profits.
  • Action for breach of contract brought by law firm against former client, seeking to enforce a judgment awarding $2.7 million in attorneys’ fees.
  • Heirs of an animation artist brought a breach of contract seeking royalty payments arising out of the artist’s animated television series.
  • A doctor whose Las Vegas bar was featured on a television reality show sued the show’s producers, casting company, and production company’s lawyer for damage to his medical reputation and medical practice for the show’s depiction of him.
  • A production company sued a motion picture studio for breach of contract, unlawful business practices, fraudulent inducement, and sought an accounting, contending that, although it had paid the studio nearly $7 million to promote and widely distribute a feature-length theatrical motion picture that it had financed and made, the studio failed to do so. The studio instead released the movie only on a limited basis.
  • Breach of contract action brought by flooring subcontractor in connection with allegedly substandard work performed during construction of a new courthouse.
  • Action for misappropriation of likeness brought by assignee of model, contending that defendant nightclub misappropriated the model’s likeness in advertising materials.
  • Action for breach of contract by a general contractor against clients who had contracted with plaintiff to remodel their back yard and install a pool. The homeowners refused to pay, and cross-complained for disgorgement, on the grounds that the contractor did not have a specific pool contractor’s license.
  • Breach of contract and misappropriation action brought by retailer, who stored 38,000 pairs of shoes at defendant’s storage facility. The shoes were stolen while being stored by defendant.
  • Breach of contract dispute between buyer and seller of a commercial building, with the buyer also alleging fraud based upon seller’s alleged warranty of the condition of the property.
  • A music sub-publishing company sued a karaoke establishment for breach of contract for alleged failure to pay a settlement agreement reached in prior federal court litigation. The sub-publisher has sued in federal court for copyright infringement of over 3,000 musical compositions they had acquired from various Korean artists. Several copyright ownerships were disputed.
  • Action to set aside a settlement agreement based upon fraud. A consultant sued a former client for quantum meruit. The consultant then filed an action to set aside the settlement, contending that he was deprived of essential information regarding the sale of the company at the time he entered into the settlement agreement.
  • Action for breach of contract arising out of a prior settlement agreement by a shipping company against a former client. The former client had settled a previous action, agreeing, in part, to give the shipping company future business. When the former client failed to do so, the shipping company filed suit.
  • Action for breach of contract and specific performance by owners of a used car company against their landlord, in a dispute over an option to purchase contained in the lease.
  • Action for breach of contract against classic car restorer for alleged failure to replace an engine on a classic car.
  • Action for breach of contract, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, defamation, negligence, and negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress by a minor who had been expelled from a Catholic school. The plaintiff sued the Archdiocese, the school, and certain individuals claiming that she had been bullied; the school contended that the plaintiff was asked to leave the school due to on-campus sexual misconduct.
  • A 65-year old company that designs, manufactures, and sells specialty electrical products, including power distribution centers, alleged that when some of its sales employees left the company, they went to a rival company and used the plaintiff’s proprietary information, in violation of their confidentiality agreement. The plaintiff sued the former employees for breach of contract, and the rival company for conversion and interference with prospective business advantage.
  • Action for breach of contract and unjust enrichment brought by a high-end denim garment manufacturer against a retailer. Plaintiff contended that defendant purchased 14,000 pairs of jeans, but did not pay for them. Defendant contended that it did not purchase the jeans, but rather kept them for consignment sales. Defendant nonetheless retained possession of the jeans.
  • A technology company sued a film distribution company and its principal for fraud and breach of contract of a distribution agreement, which granted defendant exclusive rights to plaintiff’s animated feature-length motion picture. Defendant also allegedly failed to pay the required $2 million advance payment, to disclose its marketing plan, or to provide proper accounting for distribution of the film.
  • Breach of contract action/infringement action brought by an individual in the music industry against a music industry star, contending that the defendant stole his idea for a new music technology.
  • Action for breach of oral contract. Plaintiff contended that he loaned defendant money to purchase a condominium while she was getting a divorce from her husband. Defendant contended that the money was a gift.
  • Action for collection of a medical bill by a residential facility against the parents of a minor who checked their minor son into the residential program.
  • An automotive financing company sued a used-car retailer for breach of contract, alleging the car dealer had failed to repurchase more than 300 retail installment sales contracts, for the financing of the purchase of used cars.
  • Fraudulent conveyance action filed by a homeowner who had successfully obtained a
    $525,000 judgment against a contractor who had performed faulty construction work. The contractor then conveyed title to his house to his wife. The house was originally purchased as the wife”s separate property in 1979, but the two had transferred title back and forth between each other several times since then.
  • Action for breach of contract, and cross-action for breach of contract and fraud, arising out of a commercial dispute regarding the sale of allegedly defective aftermarket center consoles for pickup trucks.
  • Action by a business consultant seeking to rescind a settlement agreement in an action he had brought against a business client for quantum meruit.

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Real Estate / Land Use

  • Action for quiet title and breach of contract by purchaser of a residential property against co-joint tenant. Defendant cross-complained for partition.
  • Commercial unlawful detainer action between landlord (a shopping center) and tenant (a restaurant) regarding two locations. Tenant contended that the force majeure clause of the lease provides relief based upon the mandatory government closures during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Federal court action by borrower against lender for alleged violations of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and for breach of contract for, among other things, improperly making a payment change during the borrower's bankruptcy and, later, filing a Response to the Notice of Final Cure, claiming a delinquency on the mortgage loan.
  • Breach of implied contract action brought by a real estate agency and its principal for the real estate commission they contend the defendants owed in connection with the purchase of a $46.25 million dollar home in Los Angeles. Plaintiffs contended he had agreed to represent the defendants, the buyers, in locating a home to buy, but the agreement was never put in writing.
  • Action and cross-action between a residential property owner and its general contractor arising out of a major, multiphase, three-year $6 million construction project in the Beverly Hills area. The contractor sought enforcement of a mechanic’s lien for unpaid work. The property owner alleged fraud and breach of contract, based upon improper allegedly improper grading and construction during the project, delayed completion, and cost overruns.
  • Action and cross-action brought arising out of the public’s heavy use of an easement road of a private horse stable located in Los Angeles’ Griffith Park. 15,000 pedestrians a day walked up the stable’s easement to get to a hiking trail that ran close to the famous “Hollywood” sign. The stable had brought an action for injunctive relief and damages contending that its easement was exclusive, and that the City of Los Angeles had unduly interfered with its easement. The City cross-complained against the stables, contending that the stables had encroached upon its public land, by cutting into the slope and constructing corrals. Several community groups attempted to intervene in the lawsuit, because the City of Los Angeles had erected a gate at the entrance to the stable’s easement, and subsequently locked the gate.
  • Action brought by resident against a city that had approved a mixed-use affordable housing development to be constructed on Sunset Boulevard. Plaintiff contended, among other issues, that a street vacation proceeding was required before the city could approve the removal of the right-turn lane.
  • A county sued the architectural firm and an engineering firm for breach of contract and negligence, pertaining to their design and construction management of a jail.
    Separately, the county contracted with a construction firm to construct the jail within three years, for almost $91 million. The construction contractor allegedly contended that there were numerous design errors, including at the smoke control system. The county contended that the various design errors caused in excess of $13.6 million in damages.
  • Homeowners sued their contractor and subcontractors for in excess of $2 million in alleged construction defects in connection with a major house renovation.
  • Suit and counter-suit amongst investors and partial owners of a Laguna Niguel office building for breach of fiduciary duty and breach of contract, alleging wrongful use of funds and wrongful exercise of control by the other.
  • Action alleging contractual fraud and breach of fiduciary duty in connection with the purchase and sale of an 18-acre commercial property, contending that the breaches of professional obligations required negating the sale.
  • A medical doctor sued the landlord of his Sunset Boulevard office building for breach of contract and specific performance, contending that the landlord moved the doctor’s sign during a building remodel, but failed to reinstall it.
  • Action for enforcement of a promissory note by an assignee of the note, against a real estate developer who had defaulted on a construction loan.
  • A dentist who had purchased another dentist’s practice sued for breach of contract and fraud, alleging that the office premises were not in good working order.
  • Action for enforcement of two promissory notes totaling $500,000.
  • A long-term residential tenant sued his former landlord and current owners of the building, contending that he was unlawfully evicted in violation of the local city’s rent control law.
  • Action for past due rent against commercial tenant in mid-Wilshire office building.
  • Action for breach of contract by former commercial tenant, a car dealer, against the landlord, contending that the landlord breached its contractual obligation to sell the subject property to plaintiff. The landlord contended that the option to purchase had expired.
  • Action for wrongful eviction arising out of a commercial lease. The plaintiff was the tenant, a rug dealer, who contended he was wrongfully evicted, and sustained loss of property, by his former landlord.
  • Inverse condemnation case brought by homeowner in the Hollywood Hills whose home was flooded allegedly due to backed-up City of Los Angeles sewer system.
  • Action for damage to property by a homeowner against the next door neighbor for “mansionizing” a one-story house into a two-story house, allegedly adversely impacting the plaintiffs’ property, and plaintiffs’ enjoyment thereof.
  • Action by commercial property owner seeking to enforce a decades-old, unrecorded, license granted by the city purporting to allow the owner of the property to park vehicles off-site onto the defendant’s property.
  • Eminent domain action brought to condemn bank property in order to construct a rail station. The estimated value of the subject property was $27 million.
  • Eminent domain action involving 15 parcels of land involved in a street-widening project being conducted in connection with a municipal improvement project, in connection with a newly-constructed stadium.
  • Eminent domain action involving an unimproved property in Playa del Rey which was sought to be temporarily used in connection with a major sewer improvement project.
  • Action by owner of commercial office building, contending it was defamed by a former commercial tenant when the tenant placed a critical review on “Yelp.”
  • Several partition actions brought by siblings against each other.
  • Action for quiet title of a forged deed, giving real property to a 14-year-old girl.
  • Unlawful detainer action to evict marijuana dispensary.
  • Action for breach of commercial guaranty arising out of a default on a $25 million fixed rate commercial loan that had been secured by real property.

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Personal Injury

  • Action by commercial truck driver who sustained personal injuries when a police car struck his truck during a high speed police pursuit on a freeway. Defendant city disputed the nature and extent of injuries and alleged wage loss.
  • Resolved contentious allegations that Plaintiff's ex-spouse committed sexual assault and caused personal injuries before and during marriage. Defendant adamantly denied all allegations.
  • While driving a motor vehicle, Plaintiff was struck by Defendant's truck driver who pulled out in front of plaintiff. Plaintiff complained of personal injuries including to the back, requiring back surgery; and potential traumatic brain injury (TBI). Defendant disputed the nature and extent of injuries, including the necessity of the back surgery.
  • Products liability action brought by passenger in a commercial truck who was rendered quadriplegic when the tire, manufactured by defendant company, blew out and caused the truck to roll over. Defendant denied that its product was defective, and contended that the tire, which was more than 10 years old, had been poorly maintained and should have been replaced.
  • A dependent adult sustained second and third degree burns from being scalded by hot water when he was being bathed by an employee of defendant home care services company. Defendant contended that the plaintiff's relative turned on the hot water that burned plaintiff, and that there was no delay in medical treatment or notification to the parent and guardian. Plaintiff contends that the home care worker turned on the hot water and then failed to admit responsibility or make a report.
  • Passenger on a medical transport van alleged she sustained personal injuries when the van rear-ended another vehicle. Defendants deny liability and challenge the nature and extent of alleged injuries.
  • Product liability and personal injury action brought by a shopper who sustained personal injuries when she sat in a chair that was for sale in defendant retail store, and the legs of the chair broke. Plaintiff sued the retail store, the manufacturer of the chair, and the supplier of the chair. Defendants each contended that they were not liable, and also disputed the nature and extent of the alleged injuries.
  • Action by patron of fast food restaurant against restaurant and former employee for assault, battery and negligence. The patron contends that she was pressured to leave the restaurant after closing hours and was insulted by an employee, so sue threw the plate of food in the employee’s face. The employee fought back, punching the patron and, allegedly, the patron’s mother. The patron and her mother alleged personal injuries. Defendants denied any insulting behavior, and contend that the employee was acting in self-defense.
  • Action by plaintiff who sustained severe burns to his entire body in a natural gas explosion at his residence. Earlier that day, a gas company employee opened a gas valve, which pumped gas into the plaintiff’s bedroom; although the gas company admitted liability, plaintiff’s allegation of traumatic brain injury from the accident was fiercely contested.
  • A car jumped the curb and struck two foreign tourists who were visiting a major Hollywood landmark. The tourists sustained serious injuries.
  • A Hollywood stuntman for a noted action star alleged career-ending injuries when he was rear-ended on the freeway by a delivery truck. His partner sued for personal injuries as well.
  • Light rail train passengers sustain personal injuries when their train is struck by a fire truck.
  • Several elementary school children sued the school district, the school principal, and the teacher after their second grade teacher spit in their faces, hit, and kicked the students.
  • An octogenarian patient sued a hospital for premises liability and negligence when he tripped and fell after being admitted to the hospital for a knee replacement surgery.
  • A man shot at by police who had mistakenly believed he was shooting at them sued the officers and the city.
  • Defamation action brought by unsuccessful candidate for a state assembly seat against the sitting state assemblyman, contending that an election mailer was defamatory.
  • Parents of a foreign exchange student who had committed suicide while studying in the United States sued the company that placed the student with the host family, the host family, and the student’s school. The parents contended that they were dissatisfied with the host family, but no change was made.
  • A seventh grader involved in an on-campus classroom scuffle sustained a fractured wrist when a campus police officer grabbed him to pull him outside.
  • A middle school student and her parents sued her private school, principal, and teacher for negligence and emotional distress, alleging that the sixth grade teacher bullied and insulted the student.
  • Several adults sued the Archdiocese based upon alleged sexual molestation by Roman Catholic priests during their childhood.
  • Wrongful death action brought by the children of a woman who was struck and killed in a multi-car crash on a Los Angeles freeway.
  • Heirs of a truck driver killed when his truck’s tire blew out on the freeway sued the State of California, his employer, and the truck maintenance company for wrongful death.
  • A woman alleged she sustained serious personal injuries when she attempted to board a bus. While on the platform, the bus driver allegedly closed the doors and drove away, dragging plaintiff. The woman’s children and grandchild witnessed the alleged incident, and alleged emotional distress.
  • Action by a shopper at a department store when she tripped over a store display left at the end of an aisle by an employee.
  • A patron of a casino alleged he tripped and fell on a wet floor of the casino’s bathroom.
  • An ambulance company dropped a patient in a gurney during transport, causing personal injuries.
  • Action by minor and his parents after the minor fell out of a window in a multi-story apartment building, and sustained serious injuries.
  • Action brought by a family against the gas company alleging personal injuries due to a gas leak at the house.
  • Action brought by a guest of Las Vegas casino hotel, alleging personal injuries and emotional distress from being bitten by bedbugs.
  • Action brought by drivers of two vehicles that were struck by a third car in a multi-car crash in Malibu.
  • Action brought by a hospital employee in her 20s, who was struck by another car and sustained injuries requiring spinal surgery.
  • Action brought by a resident of an apartment complex who claimed that he slipped and fell on a wet stairway during a “power washing” cleaning by the landlord.
  • Heirs of a man who had died from pulmonary fibrosis after working as a vehicle maintenance technician at an airport for over 40 years sued several entities alleging that the man’s fatal illness was caused by exposure to toxic chemicals.
  • Former tenants sued their former landlord contending that they actually purchased, and not leased, the property; landlord cross-complained for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress, contending that the tenants had defamed them in their religious community, even sending a prominent rabbi to their house to persuade them to give their house to the tenants.
  • Action for damage to personal and professional reputation, brought by an actor against his ex-girlfriend, for falsely alleging child abuse online.
  • Action for personal injuries sustained by a bicyclist who collided with an armored car.
  • A shopper slipped and fell in a discount retail store, sustaining personal injuries.

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  • Defamation action by a surgeon against a former patient, arising out of a televised news broadcast wherein the former patient publicly accused the surgeon of engaging in misconduct, including but not limited to insurance fraud. The surgeon contended that all statements were false, and made with malice.


  • Breach of fiduciary duty action brought by celebrity against his business manager, contending that the business manager breached his fiduciary duty to the client by attempting to evade liability in a dispute over ownership of a portrait of the celebrity’s former girlfriend.
  • A professional athlete-turned-television announcer was suddenly ordered to stop working by the network, after some viewers contacted the network to complain that the announcer had used a racial slur when announcing the event. The announcer denied that he had used a racial slur, but was instead describing the athlete’s style of play, and sued for wrongful termination.
  • Action for wrongful termination brought by former employee of a television show, contending that the show’s celebrity host locked the employee in a room, yelled and threatened her with adverse employment action for allegedly leaking details about the show.
  • Heirs of an animation artist brought a breach of contract seeking royalty payments arising out of the artist’s animated television series.
  • Malicious prosecution action brought by a movie artwork publisher against a motion picture studio and its law firm subsequent to a decade of intellectual property litigation in the United States District Court and in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The studio had sued the movie artwork publisher for infringement of the studio’s trademark of an iconic cartoon character. The publisher ultimately prevailed in the federal litigation.
  • Heir of famous author entered into a contract for a screenplay based on the author’s book. A dispute with the screenwriters ensued.
  • A doctor whose Las Vegas bar was featured on a television reality show sued the show’s producers, casting company, and production company’s lawyer for damage to his medical reputation and medical practice for the show’s depiction of him.
  • A production company sued a motion picture studio for breach of contract, unlawful business practices, fraudulent inducement, and sought an accounting, contending that, although it had paid the studio nearly $7 million to promote and widely distribute a feature-length theatrical motion picture that it had financed and made, the studio failed to do so. The studio instead released the movie only on a limited basis.
  • A music sub-publishing company sued a karaoke establishment for breach of contract for alleged failure to pay a settlement agreement reached in prior federal court litigation. The sub-publisher has sued in federal court for copyright infringement of over 3,000 musical compositions they had acquired from various Korean artists. Several copyright ownerships were disputed.
  • A technology company sued a film distribution company and its principal for fraud and breach of contract of a distribution agreement, which granted defendant exclusive rights to plaintiff’s animated feature-length motion picture. Defendant also allegedly failed to pay the required $2 million advance payment, to disclose its marketing plan, or to provide proper accounting for distribution of the film.
  • Breach of contract action/infringement action brought by an individual in the music industry against a music industry star, contending that the defendant stole his idea for a new music technology.
  • Plaintiffs were musicians who contended they entered into an agreement with defendants, a film composer and his company, to compose portions of the musical score for a full-length feature film. Plaintiffs contended that defendants refused, and failed to share credit and give them their full agreed-upon portion of the royalties. Plaintiffs filed suit for promissory fraud, intentional misrepresentation, promissory estoppel, breach of oral contract, declaratory relief, and accounting. Defendants cross-complained for defamation, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, intentional interference with contract, and unfair competition in violation of Business & Professions Code Section 17200 et seq.
  • Plaintiff sued a famous actor who had worked at a noted Los Angeles improvisational theater, contending that the actor’s association with the theater fraudulently led people to believe that they, too, would become famous if they took lessons at the theater.
  • The bodyguard and business manager of an elderly animation artist brought suit after the artist’s death, alleging that the artist’s daughter maliciously instituted an elder abuse investigation against him, and had made unwelcome sexual advances towards him. The daughter had contended that Plaintiff had taken financial advantage of her father. Plaintiff also sued the police detective and employer city for investigating the daughter’s elder abuse allegations.
  • Plaintiff, a music promotion company, alleged that it was defrauded by defendants, a noted a rap star and his agents, for the rapper’s suddenly backing out of a scheduled performance at a music festival. Plaintiff contended that, because the rap star was the headline act, the entire music festival had to be cancelled. Plaintiff also alleged that its deposit, of over $200,000, was not returned. Plaintiff sued for breach of written contract, conversion, breach of implied contract, common count (money had and received), and fraud.
  • The former president and general manager of the motion picture group of a global media and entertainment company sued the company and its principals, contending that he was denied compensation generated by an IPO of a portion of the group, and that defendants then mismanaged the company. Plaintiff also contended that he was forced to resign after complaining of fiscal mismanagement. Plaintiff asserted numerous causes of action, including breach of contract, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, promissory estoppel, promissory fraud, constructive discharge, retaliation in violation of Labor Code section 1102.5, and unfair business practices in violation of the Unfair Competition Law, Business & Professions Code Section 17200. Defendants cross-complained for fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and negligence, contending that Plaintiff was a “once trusted corporate officer” who was instead a “deceitful charlatan,” and that Plaintiff’s employment contract was terminated due to Plaintiff’s poor performance and asset mismanagement.
  • Plaintiff, a noted entertainer, and his company, contended that they executed a written agreement for defendant producer and his LLC company for defendants to produce a documentary film about the Plaintiff entertainer’s life. The project, however, allegedly did not go forward because no documents had ever been filed with the California Secretary of State to create and qualify defendant LLC as a valid and existing limited liability company. Plaintiffs filed suit for declaratory relief, seeking a determination that the written agreement was void, that a certain provision therein was unconscionable, and that Plaintiff entertainer had not transferred his right of publicity to either defendant for the purpose of producing a documentary about his life. Plaintiffs also sought a determination that all film footage belonged to Plaintiffs and should be returned.
  • Action between an individual who is a tenant and manager of a famous elderly television star who is under a conservatorship, and the conservator (the actress’ only son). The tenant contended the actress had given him permission to reside in a second house on her property, and that he was being harassed by her family. The conservator/son cross-complained, contending that the tenant had committed elder abuse, theft, and fraud, by becoming his mother’s manager, stealing significant assets (including taking title to her home), paying only nominal rent pursuant to a long term lease, and isolating the actress from her family.
  • One of the original Mercury 7 astronauts saw what he believed to be sunken shipwreck sites during his space missions, and recorded his observations on maps. Decades later, a television network created a reality TV show based on these maps. The widow of the astronaut sued the producer and network, contending, among other things, that they had wrongfully kept the maps.

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Medical Malpractice/Elder Abuse

  • Action for medical malpractice against doctor and hospital by patient who had an impacted bowel requiring remedial emergency surgery less than two weeks after a cesarean birth. Plaintiff contended that the defendant doctor negligently sutured the bowel at the time of the c-section. Defendants denied that their conduct fell below the standard of care or caused the plaintiff’s subsequent complication.
  • Probate action by beneficiary against the other for breach of fiduciary duty and financial elder abuse.
  • Action by founders of a medical device company, for breach of contract and financial elder abuse, who sold their business during the COVID-19 pandemic, were terminated shortly after the sale, and were allegedly not adequately compensated for the sale of the business. The buyer cross-complained for breach of contract, alleging that the sellers acted improperly after the sale, and frustrated the new owner's ability to make the business profitable.
  • Action between an individual who is a tenant and manager of a famous elderly television star who is under a conservatorship, and the conservator (the actress’ only son). The tenant contended the actress had given him permission to reside in a second house on her property, and that he was being harassed by her family. The conservator/son cross-complained, contending that the tenant had committed elder abuse, theft, and fraud, by becoming his mother’s manager, stealing significant assets (including taking title to her home), paying only nominal rent pursuant to a long term lease, and isolating the actress from her family.
  • Action between an individual who is a tenant and manager of a famous elderly television star who is under a conservatorship, and the conservator (the actress’ only son). The tenant contended the actress had given him permission to reside in a second house on her property, and that he was being harassed by her family. The conservator/son cross-complained, contending that the tenant had committed elder abuse, theft, and fraud, by becoming his mother’s manager, stealing significant assets (including taking title to her home), paying only nominal rent pursuant to a long term lease, and isolating the actress from her family.
  • A patient received injections of pain medication into his cervical spine. The next day, he suffered a spinal stroke at the injection site, leaving him with permanent paralysis and pain. He and his wife brought a medical malpractice action against the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the hospital.
  • Suit by elderly patient and her children against a nursing home for a bedsore appearing on the patient while the patient stayed at the facility to recover from a stroke.
  • A patient who sustained spinal damage during spinal surgery sued her surgeon and the hospital for medical malpractice.
  • A patient who alleged damage to his vision and other adverse side effects from his “lasik” surgery brought a malpractice action against his eye surgeon.
  • Medical malpractice action brought by a woman who underwent surgery to her cervical spine. When the patient was dissatisfied with the results, she underwent a second spinal surgery, which included fusion.
  • Medical malpractice action brought on behalf of a minor alleging that his dentist negligently performed dental care on him when he was three years old.
  • Medical malpractice/wrongful death action arising out of the death of a patient due to colon cancer, subsequent to defendant doctor conducting a colonoscopy.
  • Patient sued his spine surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the hospital for medical malpractice and for fraud, contending that he received bad results from the spine surgery because the lead surgeon left the operating room during the 5.5 hour surgery to perform other surgeries. The patient contended the surgeon had led him to believe the surgery would last just one hour, requiring just one overnight stay in the hospital, but instead plaintiff was temporarily unable to move his legs below his knees, and was hospitalized post-operatively for 10 days.
  • Action by a patient against her surgeon, alleging that the surgeon improperly failed to perform post-cancer surgery breast reconstruction surgery as he had agreed to do.
  • A model alleged she sustained a disfiguring bedsore due to alleged substandard post-operative care by a hospital.
  • A woman underwent a breast biopsy, and during the procedure her right silicone breast implant was punctured. Because of this complication, the patient went to a hospital to undergo another breast biopsy, and underwent immediate surgery to remove the punctured implant. The patient then sued the doctor who performed the corrective surgery, and the hospital, for medical negligence.
  • A patient of a dentist employed by a university dental school sued for medical negligence and breach of contract for failure to provide treatment as outlined in its treatment plans for her.

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Legal Malpractice

  • Alleged breach of contract and professional negligence by architect pertaining to construction plans for several multi-family housing structures. The architect and the firm denied that there was any negligence, and contended that any delays in plan approval was caused by the property owner's failure to timely pay city plan check processing fees and/or to timely communicate authority for plan changes.
  • Former clients who had lost their house to foreclosure filed an action for legal malpractice against the lawyer they had retained to obtain a loan modification.
  • A prominent singer sued her divorce attorney for legal malpractice and breach of fiduciary duty. During the divorce case, the lawyer sought a civil harassment restraining order against the singer’s nanny. The nanny then sued the singer for defamation.
  • A wife sued her divorce lawyer for malpractice after the lawyer tried to recover nearly $1 million in attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in connection with her representation.
  • A lawyer sued his former clients for attorneys’ fees incurred in connection with a residential property transaction. The clients cross-complained for legal malpractice.
  • Malicious prosecution action brought by a doctor against a former patient and her lawyer who had sued her for medical malpractice, after the patient dismissed the underlying medical malpractice case.
  • Legal malpractice and fraud action by out of state residents who sustained personal injuries during a rideshare ride. They hired a law firm to represent them, which settled the matter before litigation. Plaintiffs alleged the law firm improperly directed them to seek medical treatment on a lien basis instead of using their medical insurance; and by improperly withdrawing funds from the client trust account before all medical liens were satisfied.

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Product Liability

  • Breach of contract action by supplier who entered into a contract with a manufacturer for rapid-response COVID-19 test kits. The supplier contended that the manufacturer did not perform by delivering the required number of test kits by the specified date. The manufacturer cross-complained, contending that delays were beyond its control, and that the supplier did not pay for all of the test kits that were manufactured and delivered.
  • Plaintiff sustained personal injuries when she sat in a folding chair at a work event, and the chair collapsed and broke. Plaintiff filed an action for negligence and personal injuries against the event company that supplied the chairs. The furniture rental company filed a cross-complaint for products liability for the allegedly defective chair against the manufacturer.

Insurance Coverage

  • After multiple lawsuits for personal injury and/or wrongful death were filed by patrons of a state fair, who alleged they contracted Legionnaire's Disease from hot tubs on display, defendant hot tub manufacturer sought defense and indemnity from its insurance carrier. The insurance carrier contended that it had no duty to defend or indemnify because of a microorganism exception in the policy. The insurance coverage dispute was litigated in the Superior Court and in the United States District Court.
  • A homeowners’ association sued its insurance carrier and its insurance broker, contending that it was unaware of an endorsed exclusion in its D&O policy until it was sued in litigation in the subject area of the exclusion.
  • An owner of a mattress store that had burned to the ground sued his insurance company when his claim was denied.
  • Coverage dispute arising out of an identity theft, and a fraudulently obtained deed of trust against the victim’s property. Litigation ensued after the mortgage company started foreclosure proceedings against the victim.
  • Action for bad faith failure to pay by an insured, whose Los Angeles garment district business had been burned in an arson fire, against its insurance carrier. The insurance carrier had refused to pay the claim because it was the second arson fire at the insured’s business.
  • Breach of contract action brought by insured against insurer for denying its claim for damage to the insured’s property. The insurer had insured the subject property, which was to be used as a rental property, but when the property was vandalized several times, the insurer refused to pay the claims on the grounds that the property was vacant at the time, triggering the policy’s vacancy exclusion.
  • Action arising out of the denial of an insurance claim filed by plaintiffs, when their insured commercial property was severely damaged in a fire. The policy at issue provided a time deadline for an insured to file a lawsuit after denial of claim. The insurance carrier contended that the lawsuit was untimely.

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Family Law

  • Marital dissolution action with custody, visitation, and support issues for minor children, and property division with tracing issues.
  • Child custody, including “move-aways,” review of child custody evaluation reports
  • Temporary spousal support
  • Permanent spousal support
  • Post-judgment modifications of spousal support
  • Validity of premarital agreement
  • Business valuation
  • Property valuation
  • Property characterization

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“Judge Feffer was extremely effective. We will definitely add her to our list of potential mediators for future California cases.”

“Judge Feffer has proven herself to be effective over three mediations in the last year, which is why we are a repeat customer. She is dogged, insightful, realistic with the parties without being argumentative. She’s one of, if not the best neutrals we’ve worked with since the pandemic hit and she will be on our short list for the foreseeable future.”

“Hon. Elizabeth Feffer has been personable, professional, and persuasive. I have attended many mediations over the years and it is seldom that I encounter a mediator that truly has a talented for the task; I am pleased to say that the Hon. Elizabeth Feffer is one of such.”

“This was a very good mediation, on the admin side, on the technology side, and on the mediator side. Judge Feffer was very well prepared, was thorough, did a tremendous job, and (most importantly) never gave up! Thank you to all.”

“Judge Feffer is great. This is the third matter she has helped us settle. She has become my first choice for a mediator.”

“Judge Feffer was recommended by another colleague. I thought she handled the mediation very competently. Judge Feffer was very effective. Great to work with.”

“Very effective. I very much enjoyed mediating with Judge Feffer and she handled a difficult situation very well.”

“Judge Feffer takes the time to learn about the case and understand the issues and dynamics involved and then is very thorough and patient to help the parties reach a reasonable resolution. She is very smart and most capable!”

Miracle worker. Fourth time we have used her. Every time we have resolved the cases.”

Our case was extremely contentious from the beginning, but I would definitely use Judge Feffer again. I’ve always found Judge Feffer to be very, very smart. Her demeanor was very nice with my client. This has been a very long battle for her, and Judge Feffer handled her really well.”

Judge Feffer was very respectful and very conscientious. And she helped bridge the gap on a very, very difficult and very sensitive case. Judge Feffer listened, she considered the issues carefully, and she really helped the parties. You never know, though, when a judge comes off the bench what they’re going to be like when they’re sitting in a much different role. In this case, I thought she did an amazing job just homing in on the issues. And I would not hesitate to use her again.”

Judge Feffer had the skills of a hostage negotiator combined with the patience and technical expertise of a bomb squad technician. Certainly her experience on the bench gave her the ability to navigate through complex legal issues and to point out where strengths and weaknesses were in the case. But beyond that, she was creative in her approach in trying to come up with ideas that would lead to resolution the parties probably couldn’t see without her assistance.

“Judge Feffer was a star when in Dept. 39, and continues to be at ADR Services, Inc.”