CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

1 Hour General Credit

Litigating and Resolving Marvin Claims
ADR Services, Inc. Complimentary In-House MCLE Program

Marvin claims arise in the litigation of legal disputes arising from cohabitation or non-marital relationships. Unlike dissolution actions in family law court, Marvin claims are litigated in civil court, and require careful consideration of the evidence of an alleged contractual relationship between the parties. In this program, three speakers – a neutral mediator, with judicial experience in both the civil and family law courts, and two experienced litigators – will discuss the different legal theories, pleading requirements, and discovery issues that arise in Marvin actions. The panel will also offer insight into key issues to watch out for in bringing and defending Marvin actions.

1 Hour General Credit

Setting up for Success: Laying the Groundwork for Resolution in Mediation
Presented by the Sacramento County Public Law Library

This webinar presentation will delve into the intricacies of effective mediation strategies, equipping attendees with valuable knowledge and practical insights. The session will address the following key areas:

When to mediate & how to propose mediation to opposing counsel:
Understanding the optimal timing for initiating mediation is crucial for maximizing its potential benefits. Participants will learn the factors to consider when determining the right moment to propose mediation, as well as effective techniques for approaching opposing counsel to suggest this alternative dispute resolution method.

Briefing & document preparation – what you need to get and when:
Preparation is key to a successful mediation process. This segment will provide a comprehensive overview of the essential documents and information required to prepare for mediation.

Pre-mediation calls:
Pre-mediation communication plays a vital role in setting the stage for productive negotiations. This section will focus on the significance of pre-mediation calls and provide practical guidance on how to conduct them effectively. Participants will learn how to establish rapport with their mediator, manage expectations, and gather crucial information to inform their negotiation strategy.

Post-mediation – what are my options now?
After the mediation process, it is essential to evaluate the outcomes and determine the most appropriate course of action. This segment will explore various post-mediation scenarios, outlining the range of options available to participants. Attendees will gain an understanding of the potential outcomes of mediation and how maintain momentum towards settlement.

By participating in this webinar presentation, attendees will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the mediation process effectively from start to finish, including practical strategies, best practices, and valuable insights to optimize their chances of achieving favorable outcomes and resolving disputes efficiently through mediation.

All the workshops qualify for California MCLE and MC3 Educational Credit.

Southern California Mediation Association 2023 Employment Mediation Institute
Transforming Workplace Conflict: Mediation & the Modern Workplace

For many, the world of work is a very different place than it was four years ago, when we hosted the last EMI.  The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact in the workplace for both employers and employees which has led to new challenges for mediators. This half-day program will focus on how changes to the modern workplace have impacted our role and approach as employment mediators. We'll start with an in-depth look at the mediator's role in disputes, considering whether mediators can offer more to their clients than just closing the deal.  From there, we'll dive into the latest California employment law updates, with perspectives from both sides of the bar.  And, we'll close by giving you practical skills for your mediator toolkit, based on recent neuroscience and lessons learned about work in a post-pandemic world.

The conference will be followed by a networking mixer at El Cholo Restaurant.

1.5 hours Legal Ethics MCLE Credit

EVERYONE IS LISTENING – The Core of Your Profession is Civility
Presented by the Contra Costa County Bar Association

Please join CCCBA, ADR Services, Inc and JAMS as they present retired Judges Steve Austin,  Barry Baskin, Ellen Sickles James and Winifred Smith in discussion on matters of Civility.

Discussion topics will include:
The importance of being civil to maintain your reputation and health.
+NEW Rule 8.3 California Rules of Professional Conduct - Reporting Professional Misconduct (eff. 8/1/2023)
What does it mean -  Who must act – when and why.
The responsibility of the law firm culture to manifest civility throughout the entire legal system.
How unconscious bias affects how we treat our clients, counsel and others in the legal community.
Recognizing how word choice, body language and body awareness – can create more civil and productive interactions.
Our responsibility to our local community and why civility matters even outside the law office and the courtroom.

1.5 hours Legal Ethics Credit

State Supreme Court Adopts Lawyer “Snitch” Rule
Presented by the Alameda Contra Costa Trial Lawyers’ Association

The Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar have a new addition as of August 1- Rule 8.3.  This Rule mandates all lawyers “shall” without delay report to the State Bar “credible evidence that another lawyer has engaged in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or reckless or intentional misrepresentation or misappropriation of funds or property that raises a substantial question as to that lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects.”

What does Rule 8.3 mean?  How will it impact my relations with other attorneys, my colleagues, my attorney friends, and even business partners? What does “credible evidence” of misconduct mean?  What happens if I don’t report another attorney?

MANDATORY REPORTING OF OTHERS’ MISCONDUCT IS HERE!  Have these and many other questions addressed by our panel of ethics and practice experts- the Bay Area’s first seminar for trial lawyers on how to live with Rule 8.3!

1.25 Hours General Credit

Winning Discovery Strategies from Plaintiff and Defense Perspective
ADC Tahoe Summer Seminar

With fewer trials these days a lot of our cases are won or lost on discovery. We’re seeing aggressive and burdensome discovery early on in cases from both sides. What is the method behind this madness? What are respondents doing? Are they challenging onerous discovery by motion? What both sides are doing together? What are the best ways to resolve disputes? Tips from the Bench: What troubling/challenging discovery issues is the court seeing? What discovery issues are worth taking to court? What does the court recommend to help streamline discovery? When does the court award sanctions? Are Informal Discovery Conferences effective?

1 Hour General Credit

Controlling the Narrative in a Successful Mediation
At the Placer County Bar Association’s 32nd Annual MCLE Conference

Join us for an illuminating session where we unravel essential soft skills required in successful mediation. Explore the art of controlling narratives – a skill that empowers attorneys to guide conversations and outcomes in a constructive direction. Gain insights into managing expectations and fostering a conducive environment for resolving conflicts and facilitating understanding. Unearth the concept of parallax – the subtle differences in viewpoints – and learn how to navigate them skillfully to bridge divides and create common ground. Whether you're an experienced practitioner looking to refine your skills or a newcomer seeking to understand the nuances of successful mediation, this webinar offers invaluable strategies and insights. Join us as we delve into the heart of mediation mastery, equipping you with the tools to orchestrate productive conversations, manage expectations, navigate diverse perspectives, and empower parties to take control of their narratives.

1 Hour General Credit

Mock Mediation – Real Strategies: A Behind the Scenes Look at Achieving Successful Resolution
ADR Services, Inc. Complimentary In-House MCLE Program

The stage is set: a motorcyclist collides with a driver making a left turn. The mediation is scheduled for September 13, 2023 at 12 p.m. Join real life Mediator Judge Paul Beeman, as he works with plaintiff’s counsel Doris Cheng, Esq. (Walkup Melodia) and defense counsel Jahmal Davis, Esq. (Hanson Bridgett) to present a mock mediation of this dispute. The fact pattern will be fake, but the negotiation and settlement strategies employed will be very real. From pre-mediation calls and brief submission, to moving through negotiations our panelists will employ bracketing, counter offers, private caucuses and other strategies to demonstrate how a real-life mediation might play out. At the end, you decide – should they take the deal?

Join us for this fast-paced mock mediation program, not to be missed both for newer practitioners, and seasoned attorneys looking for a peek into the private rooms in mediation.

1 Hour General Credit

Employment Today: In-Depth Discussion on Employment Law Issues and Arbitration
Presented at the ACBA Labor & Employment Symposium

This seminar will cover recent developments in employment law, including class actions, arbitration, and numerous other topics. Mr. Loeb and Justice Lambden will be sharing their experience and insights on particular issues and considerations for effective employment law alternative dispute resolutions.

1 Hour General Credit

Arbitrator Panel – Current Trends in Employment Arbitration: Exploring Critical Cases and Developments
Presented at the ACBA Labor & Employment Symposium

Stay up to date with the ever-evolving realm of employment arbitration with this highly informative program. Discussing new case law, statutory updates, mass filings and other current trends, our seasoned panel of retired judicial officers and attorney arbitrators will offer valuable, comprehensive, and thought-provoking insights into the most pertinent trends and events, delving into the implications they hold for the future of employment arbitration and the greater employment dispute resolution industry.

1 Hour – Legal Ethics

The Ethics of Growing a Mediation Practice

Alternative Dispute Resolution is one of the fastest growing practices among both attorneys and retired judicial officers. Attorneys interested in starting a mediation practice must be aware that ADR professionals confront ethical issues at every phase of their practice, from advertising to potential clients to the period following conclusion of the mediation session. Awareness of these ethical issues and preparing how to handle them will structure a smoother transition into a mediation practice. In this program, Joanna Barron, Executive Vice President of ADR Services, Inc., one of California’s most successful alternative dispute resolution provider firms, will provide insight on navigating these ethical issues while at the same time building a robust and thriving ADR practice.