CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

Full Conference 6 Hours

Supreme Court of California (SCOCA) Conference 2024
Presented by The California Constitution Center

8:00 to 9:00 Registration, coffee, and snacks
9:00 to 10:00 Chief Justice Guerrero keynote discussion about her transition into the role, the Judicial Council’s new leader and potential changes in administration, and the current state of the court.
10:00 to 11:00 Dean Chemerinsky will lecture on federalism, state sovereignty, independence of state high courts, and the limits of state power.
11:00 to 12:00 former Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye will reflect on her time on the court, her observations about how the court has changed over time, and her transition to a new public policy role.
— One-hour lunch break —
1:00 to 2:00 Sixth Circuit Chief Judge Sutton (on Zoom) will discuss his views on state constitutions, federalism, and securing protections for individual liberty by focusing on state constitutions.
2:00 to 3:00 Justices Chin and Kruger will discuss with Court of Appeal Justice Chou their views on how the court’s internal review process prioritizes consensus, the effect of the litigation that sparked changes in that process, and the relative value of unanimity.
3:00 to 4:00 Justices Groban and Evans will discuss with Court of Appeal Justice Bromberg their transition from the governor’s office to the court and how each developed their judicial philosophies, and their thoughts on career paths in public service. 

1.25 hours General Credit

Pathway to the Settlement of a Catastrophic Injury Case

For clients with permanent catastrophic injuries, reaching a settlement can be a particularly complex process with many players involved and numerous factors to consider. It is critical for attorneys to be well-versed in all aspects of the settlement process while also closely considering the long-term needs of their clients. Drawing upon the expertise of an attorney specializing in Special Needs Trusts, a Certified Nurse Life Care Planner (CNLCP®), a Forensic Economist, and a Settlement Consultant with 30 years of experience working with Special Needs Trusts, this seminar will seek to guide both plaintiff and defense attorneys in reaching an appropriate settlement for their client, and securing long-term financial vehicles and capable custodians that will be able to address the specific needs of their clients for years to come.

3.0 hr. (Trusts and Estates Specialization)

Probate Minor’s Counsel Training
Presented by the Los Angeles County Bar Association Trust & Estates Section

Please join this distinguished panel for wide-ranging coverage of important advanced topics and issues that are essential for Probate Minor’s Counsel, including:

  • Core Components of Representing Minors.
  • Comparative Roles of Minor’s Counsel.
  • Best Practices in Client Communication and Testimony.

This discussion promises to be informative and enlightening. 

1 Hour CLE Credit

Administrative Writs and Mandamus Practice 101


Hear from a former writs and receiver judge and three experienced land use and municipal lawyers on best practices and tips for California administrative writs and mandamus practice.  This 101 Class will cover topics including administrative record, pleadings, defenses, dispositive motions, settlement, trial and post-trial practice.

5.5 Hours (Full Conference)

Keynote Presentation by Hon Tani-Cantil-Sakauye (Ret.)
Presented at the 2024 Institute for Corporate Counsel

This day-long institute focuses on the intersection of law, business and politics, providing a platform for our panelists and participants to better understand how Los Angeles’s evolving business environment, best practices and changes in the law will impact business. Join conversations about the latest industry developments, legal guidelines, and practical advice with immediate application for in-house legal departments and law firms. In her keynote presentation, Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye (Ret.) will address challenges facing the Supreme Court of our nation’s largest and most dynamic state.

1 Hour Civility CLE Credit

Civility Matters
Presented by ABOTA

Civility Matters! Winning Inside and Outside the Courtroom While Being Civil. Incivility in litigation rarely benefits anyone. Yet we all see it from time to time - counsel, client and even judges behaving badly. Experienced litigators will share practical advice for effectively dealing with incivility in civil cases.  Join us for an interactive program on what really matters in litigation and trial.

0.5 hours of General Substantive Credit, and 0.5 hours of Civility Credit

Inside Tips for Getting your Best Settlement at Mediation
Presented by the Santa Clara County Bar Association

How do you maximize your settlement at mediation?
ADR Services, Inc. Mediator Lowell Haky, Esq. will walk through the tricks-of-the-trade and offer tips on mediation preparation and strategy that make the difference between getting a good settlement and getting a great settlement. 

The program will cover: 

  • Choosing the right time to mediate 
  • When to mediate in-person vs. virtual 
  • Using the mediation brief to persuade your opponent.
  •  Leveraging the pre-mediation call 
  • Prepping your client 
  • Strategy at the mediation session 
  • Alternative settlement options 
  • Mediation conduct 
  • Post-Mediation settlements 

1.0 Hour General Credit

Lien on Me! Settlement Strategies for Personal Injury Claims with Workers’ Compensation Liens
Presented by the Beverly Hills Bar Association

This webinar will explain the nature of workers' compensation liens in civil litigation and will provide settlement strategies from the various points of view of the personal injury attorney, subrogation attorney, and defense counsel. As a mediator, our panelist has seen the different tactics taken and will explain the positives as well as the pitfalls.
The major learning objective will be to explain workers' compensation subrogation in light of a pending personal injury claim and the strategies that can be embarked upon during settlement discussions. This session will discuss theories of third party liability, employer liability and the obstacles that should be avoided during negotiation.