CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

1 Hour MCLE Credit



I: Conservatorships – May 10, 2022 │12:00 p.m. │1 Hour MCLE Credit │Please click here to register Handout -  Slides II: Fiduciaries & Trustees: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly – August 10, 2022 │12:00 p.m. │1 Hour MCLE Credit │Please click here to register Handout -  Slides III: 850 Petitions & Civil Procedures – November 16, 2022│12:00 p.m. │1 Hour MCLE Credit │Please click here to register Handout

2 Hours Legal Ethics CLE Credit

Applicable & Actionable
Guide to the Practicing Attorneys' Ethical Compliance, Competence, & Confidentiality


Through analysis of hypothetical situations drawn from lived experience, media coverage and even the law in film, the speakers will discuss ethical obligations and compliance in real-world situations. By applying the relevant sections of the Code of Ethics, attendees will gain actionable guidance on their responsibilities, and test their knowledge by engaging in this “Build Your Own Adventure” style program. Scenarios covered will include a subordinate’s responsibilities, discriminatory practices, inappropriate relationships, confidentiality, and more!

1 Hour General CLE Credit

Strategy: Mediation vs Trial


Four top trial lawyers, two defense and two plaintiffs, from Northern and Southern California, will discuss the unique strategy differences between how they approach a mediation versus how they prepare for a trial of the same case.

1 Hour MCLE Credit

Judge Susan Lopez-Giss/Direct Examination
Family Law Webinar


Hon. Susan Lopez-Giss (Ret.) served 15 years as a Judge for the Los Angeles Superior Court, with the entirety of her time on the bench devoted to Family Law. Judge Lopez-Giss presided over thousands of cases involving all types of contested and complex Family Law matters, including parentage cases, custody and visitation issues, child and spousal support, business valuation, and property division. In addition to issuing thousands of rulings, Judge Lopez-Giss became known for actively and successfully settling her cases. Her strong legal mind, coupled with an emphasis on collaboration to resolve family disputes, has resulted in her reputation as an effective problem solver and adjudicator.

Prior to her judicial career, Judge Lopez-Giss served 30 years in the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, where she developed a groundbreaking domestic violence diversion and counseling program that was implemented statewide, only one of such programs in the country at the time. She was instrumental in drafting a domestic violence prosecution manual, filing guidelines, and restraining order statutes, and helped train law enforcement and medical personnel across the country. Judge Lopez-Giss also developed guidelines for the handling of child abuse and child sexual abuse and served on interagency councils that addressed child abuse and neglect that included training for mandatory reporting. She also reviewed and personally oversaw the prosecution of hundreds of such cases. For her pioneering work developing these programs, Judge Lopez-Giss was presented with a Resolution by the Mayor and the Los Angeles City Council.

Association of Defense Counsel 63rd Annual Meeting

Presented by the Association of Defense Counsel of Northern California and Nevada Location: Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, CA Begin the conference with Plenary Speaker, Hon. Ming Chin (Ret.) of the California Supreme Court. Make sure to see Judge Austin's Program "Voir Dire: Learn How to Pick 'Em" at 2:00 p.m. Participatory credit is taken at its word in this interactive program. Using audience volunteers and a fact pattern, the panelists will perform a mock voir dire, demonstrating plaintiff’s and defense perspectives, presided over by retired Judge Steve Austin. Following the mock voir dire, the speakers will dissect where...

1 Hour General CLE Credit

Antagonist to Protagonist:
Using emotional intelligence to identify and act on the turning point for successful dispute resolution


Through examination of real life examples of challenging personalities and situations, two experienced mediators will discuss and offer suggestions on how to breach an impasse in settlement negotiations. This program will include focus on laying pre-mediation groundwork to establish credibility and using emotional intelligence to leverage this credibility and relationships to reach a successful resolution. Our speakers will also discuss how to identify and act on that “switch point” to flip from combatant to problem solver.

1 Hour General CLE Credit

Heavy Hitters
Mediation Tips & Strategies from Plaintiff's & Defense Perspective


In this program we will look at all sides of the equation – Plaintiff, Defendant, Adjuster, and Mediator – to give actionable and practical feedback on successful dispute resolution. Addressing questions such as mediation timing, where to start on opening demands, and how to navigate multiple defendants and the problems they pose. With a demonstration of negotiations and bracketing, this panel of heavy hitters will give attendees a chance to see these techniques in action. Not to be missed!