CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

1 Hour General CLE Credit

Private Mediation or Court Settlement Conferences:
Choosing the Best Path to Resolution


Join Alameda County Superior Court Judge and Chair of the ADR Committee, Hon. Robert McGuiness, and former San Francisco Superior Court Judge and current mediator at ADR Services, Inc., Hon. James J. McBride (Ret.), as they discuss strategies for successful resolution of your case, including insight into the differences between private mediation and settlement conferences, new developments in each area, and the nuances of each process.

Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Orders Series
Part 2


Within this session, we will review the procedure of preparing for and arguing at the long cause hearing for the Restraining Order After Hearing. We will discuss what constitutes a violation of the restraining order as well as the effect of a finding domestic violence has been committed on custody.

1 Hour Competence Credit

Mental Health and Substance Abuse in the Post-Pandemic World

About the Program: Now, two years after the COVID-19 pandemic-related closures, in what many describe as the “New Normal,” there has been a worldwide focus on the effects of the pandemic upon mental health. The World Health Organization’s campaign to make mental health and well-being for all a global priority included declaring October 10 to be World Mental Health Day. In addition to the WHO’s declaring a global mental health crisis, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that substance abuse and drug overdose deaths greatly increased during the pandemic. Pre-pandemic, the stresses of the legal profession put lawyers...

Association of Attorney-Mediator – Fall CLE Seminar 2022
Mediators in Negotiation: Applying Ethical Rules in Dealmaking


How do impartiality, confidentiality, and self-determination really work under the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators? Are these bright-line rules in mediation? Join three experienced mediators in an interactive presentation, using real-life examples and active audience participation, to explore the nuances of applying these ethical standards in negotiations.

1 Hour General MCLE Credit

Southern California Mediation Association 34th Annual Conference
Embracing Differences and Promoting Inclusivity in Mediation: A View Through the Lens of Negotiation


Mediation is essentially facilitated negotiation. Each mediation involves unique circumstances that impact the role of the mediator and invoke the practical skills required to resolve the dispute. Regardless of the nature of the dispute, the mediator’s role as “negotiation coach” is critical. Indeed, mediation success is commonly measured by negotiation success. In this program, Stacie Hausner and Judge Alexander Williams, experienced mediators with ADR Services, Inc., will examine best practices during the negotiation stage(s) of mediation to identify opportunities to advance the pursuit of equity, diversity and inclusion and to promote recognition and respect for differences in the world of mediation.

USC Gould School of Law 48th Annual Trust & Estate Conference
Keynote Presentation Judicial Guardianship Evaluation Worksheet

Dr. Bonnie Olsen, geropsychologist and expert in decisional capacity, will discuss the development of the Judicial Guardianship Evaluation Worksheet, a tool for probate judges to evaluate relevant factors in assessing the propriety and scope of conservatorships for older adults. Dr. Olsen and her team developed the Worksheet at the behest of the Department of Justice as part of a national effort to advance conservatorship reform. The tool prompts the Court to consider the proposed conservatees’ retained capacities, susceptibility to harm, and less restrictive alternatives to preserve elder rights through targeted remedies. We are also pleased that Judge Paul Suzuki (Retired) and Dr. Olsen will complete the 45-minute presentation discussing how the Worksheet may impact consideration of evidence in probate matters.

1 Hour MCLE Credit



I: Conservatorships – May 10, 2022 │12:00 p.m. │1 Hour MCLE Credit │Please click here to register Handout -  Slides II: Fiduciaries & Trustees: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly – August 10, 2022 │12:00 p.m. │1 Hour MCLE Credit │Please click here to register Handout -  Slides III: 850 Petitions & Civil Procedures – November 16, 2022│12:00 p.m. │1 Hour MCLE Credit │Please click here to register Handout