CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

14.5 hours of credit available

Trial Masters: Where Have We Been and Where are We Going
ABA TIPS & YLD Section Conference

Join our panel of esteemed judges, including Hon. Ramona See (Ret.) of ADR Services, Inc., and practitioners as they share stories from the trenches, what has changed in the legal profession, what has stayed the same, and where we go from here, and how you can best position yourself for success in the courtroom, the law firm, and beyond. This panel is an entertaining and informative must-see for lawyers and clients alike. This program is presented as part of the American Bar Association Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section & Young Lawyers Division’s Section Conference.

1 Hour General CLE Credit

Negotiating the Relational Estate
Presented by the Contra Costa County Bar Association ADR Section

The ultimate goal of mediation (and other models) is the consensual resolution of a dispute.   The decision to settle for each party involved is a dynamic process and requires a convergence of various elements.  Real life disputes between humans, and the way we think about resolving a conflict, always involves emotions and relationships.


While legal professionals are trained to focus on the legal and financial rights of the disputants, disputes between family members or others with whom a disputant is (or has been) in a close relationship may place significant value on the relationship itself, recognizing, and sometimes desiring, that the relationship may very well continue after the dispute is resolved.  This is inconsistent with our legal system, which is not designed to focus on “feelings” and the intangible elements of a pre-existing inter-personal relationship between parties.  Rather, in most cases, we treat the other side as the “enemy” or “adversary,” and we effectively presume there will be no need for a functioning relationship between the disputants when the fight is over. This program will explore how part of our duty to our clients is to recognize and advise our clients about the emotional and relational elements that can come into play in consensual dispute resolution, particularly in family disputes.

1 Hour General Credit

Beyond the Dissomaster: Selected Advanced Child Support Issues
Presented by the ACBA Family Law Section


Join two experienced retired judicial officers as they delve beyond the Dissomaster into advanced child support issues in family law disputes. The speakers will get into the real details as they discuss deviations from guideline child support, child support add-ons, imputed and unusual income items, and proof of income. This program is targeted towards family law practitioners. This program is presented by the Alameda County Bar Association. Please contact with any registration questions. Speakers: Comm. Glenn P. Oleon (Ret.) Hon. Anita Santos (Ret.) Cost: FREE to ACBA Members $45 for Non Members with Promo Code “ADRServices” for an exclusive...

1 hour General CLE

How to Win Your Case with Your Opening Statement (Or Conversely, How Not to Lose It!)
Presented by the Beverly Hills Bar Association Litigation Section

Learn to effectively tell your clients’ story and formulate a cogent opening statement that will win over your jury before you call a single witness.

In Hollywood, we are surrounded by some of the most compelling storytellers in the world. Their techniques for captivating an audience and persuading a listener translate perfectly to the courtroom but are applied far less often than expected. A case can be won with a compelling opening statement; it can also be made far more difficult to win with one that is disjoint and emotionless.

In this program, learn from recently retired LA Superior Court Judge Craig Karlan how to present a successful opening statement. Judge Karlan is not only an experienced trial lawyer and trial judge – having tried countless jury trials as both a lawyer and a judge over the past 32 years – Judge Karlan is also a writer, one who has optioned several pilots. Like a theater audience, the jury needs to feel what your client has gone through to care about your case.

1 Hour Legal Ethics

Truth Telling In Mediation – Is Honesty Still The Best Policy?
Presented by the California Lawyers Association

Poker players know that misleading an opponent is a useful tool, but when it comes to negotiating, what is the role for truth telling? There is a point when exaggeration becomes deceptive, and a client’s best interests can be disserved by misleading behavior.  This program discusses the role Professional Responsibility Rules do or do not play in controlling mediation conduct and addresses the consequences of deceiving an opponent or the mediator. 

1 Hour – Application for Retroactive Appellate Specialty Credit Pending

California Appellate Writ Guide for Trial Attorneys

The vast majority of appellate decisions are formed without presentation of oral argument. This makes the strength of the written argument all the more crucial. In this hour program, a retired appellate justice, a justice pro tem, and a senior appellate court attorney will discuss:

  1. An overview of appellate writ procedure
  2. The trial judge’s response to appellate writs and the types of orders the appellate court can issue
  3. How appellate writ petitions are assigned and evaluated in the court of appeal

3 Hours General Credit

LACBA’s 3rd Annual Judicial Perspective
Employment Cases Post Pandemic World

This panel will be an engaging discussion with current and retired judges discussing their current perspectives in employment cases, trends since COVID-19 has altered the procedural and substantive landscapes of employment law, the logistical nuances that have developed since, and general takeaways on best practices in employment litigation.

1 Hour General Credit

It Was The Best Of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times
Successful Mediation & Settlement Conferences presented by the the Alameda Contra Costa County Trial Lawyers Association

Learn from the best! Join Judges Sabraw and Herbert for their tips and tricks to use at your next mediation. Learn how to meet, and indeed exceed, great expectations for success, including how to incorporate the changes of the last few years and how they can be used to your benefit.

1 Hour General Credit

Important New California Civil Cases Published in 2022
ADR Services, Inc. In-House Complimentary MCLE Program

California Courts publish over 500 new civil cases every year, and many create significant changes in the law. Mediators Monty McIntyre and Mike Roberts will discuss important new California cases published in 2022 in several areas including arbitration, attorney fees, civil procedure, employment, insurance, real property and torts.

No CLE credit will be provided for this program

Bench Stories with Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye (Ret.)
Presented by the Beverly Hills Bar Association

Join us on Wednesday, June 28 at 12:30 pm via Zoom for the next installment of Bench Stories, featuring Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye (Ret.).

Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye (Ret.) joins ADR Services, Inc. after an impressive judiciary career marked by extraordinary leadership and trailblazing initiatives. As the former leader of California’s judicial branch of government and chair of the Judicial Council, Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye (Ret.) managed to successfully steer the court through two massive crises — the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic, all the while fostering a culture of collaboration and collegiality on the bench, improving access to justice, and educating the public on the importance of the 3rd branch of government. Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye (Ret.) made history and became the first woman of color, the first Asian-Filipina American and the second woman to serve as the state’s Chief Justice.

During her twelve remarkable years at the helm of the state’s Supreme Court, Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye (Ret.) emerged as one of the country’s leading advocates for equal access to justice, transparency, and the reform of state court funding models that unfairly impact low-income individuals. The Chief Justice was a leader in revitalizing civic learning through her Power of Democracy initiative, which was developed to inform the public about how the courts, both federal and state, play a key role in the state government. In an effort to improve transparency, when she became Chief Justice, she opened meetings of the Judicial Council and its advisory bodies that were once closed to the public and made public comment more accessible.