CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

PINCUS Appellate Program Presents: Advanced Oral Argument Skills

In this session of the Advanced Appellate Practice Seminar, a distinguished panel of speakers will discuss select topics in advanced oral argument skills, including:

  • What judges are trying to accomplish at oral argument
  • How to quickly categorize a question
  • How to identify the type of question you are getting, so you can answer it strategically.
  • How to best to answer hypothetical questions of different flavors
  • How to address policy concerns
  • How best to pivot when a judge has you on the ropes
  • How to approach Oral Argument when there is a Tentative Opinion or Focus Letter
  • How to maximize the few minutes you have without wasting time
  • Preparation and Practice Strategies:
    • Effectively using moot courts when preparing
  • Hybrid Arguments – pros, cons and policy changes