CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

Mock Mediation – Real Strategies: A Behind the Scenes Look at Achieving Successful Resolution

The stage is set: a motorcyclist collides with a driver making a left turn. The mediation is scheduled for September 13, 2023 at 12 p.m. Join real life Mediator Judge Paul Beeman, as he works with plaintiff’s counsel Doris Cheng, Esq. (Walkup Melodia) and defense counsel Jahmal Davis, Esq. (Hanson Bridgett) to present a mock mediation of this dispute. The fact pattern will be fake, but the negotiation and settlement strategies employed will be very real. From pre-mediation calls and brief submission, to moving through negotiations our panelists will employ bracketing, counter offers, private caucuses and other strategies to demonstrate how a real-life mediation might play out. At the end, you decide – should they take the deal?

Join us for this fast-paced mock mediation program, not to be missed both for newer practitioners, and seasoned attorneys looking for a peek into the private rooms in mediation.