CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

Southern California Mediation Association 2023 Employment Mediation Institute

For many, the world of work is a very different place than it was four years ago, when we hosted the last EMI.  The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact in the workplace for both employers and employees which has led to new challenges for mediators. This half-day program will focus on how changes to the modern workplace have impacted our role and approach as employment mediators. We'll start with an in-depth look at the mediator's role in disputes, considering whether mediators can offer more to their clients than just closing the deal.  From there, we'll dive into the latest California employment law updates, with perspectives from both sides of the bar.  And, we'll close by giving you practical skills for your mediator toolkit, based on recent neuroscience and lessons learned about work in a post-pandemic world.

The conference will be followed by a networking mixer at El Cholo Restaurant.