CLE Program

ADR Services, Inc., is a California State Bar certified MCLE provider that offers legal education programs to our clients throughout California at no charge.

Setting up for Success: Laying the Groundwork for Resolution in Mediation

This webinar presentation will delve into the intricacies of effective mediation strategies, equipping attendees with valuable knowledge and practical insights. The session will address the following key areas:

When to mediate & how to propose mediation to opposing counsel:
Understanding the optimal timing for initiating mediation is crucial for maximizing its potential benefits. Participants will learn the factors to consider when determining the right moment to propose mediation, as well as effective techniques for approaching opposing counsel to suggest this alternative dispute resolution method.

Briefing & document preparation – what you need to get and when:
Preparation is key to a successful mediation process. This segment will provide a comprehensive overview of the essential documents and information required to prepare for mediation.

Pre-mediation calls:
Pre-mediation communication plays a vital role in setting the stage for productive negotiations. This section will focus on the significance of pre-mediation calls and provide practical guidance on how to conduct them effectively. Participants will learn how to establish rapport with their mediator, manage expectations, and gather crucial information to inform their negotiation strategy.

Post-mediation – what are my options now?
After the mediation process, it is essential to evaluate the outcomes and determine the most appropriate course of action. This segment will explore various post-mediation scenarios, outlining the range of options available to participants. Attendees will gain an understanding of the potential outcomes of mediation and how maintain momentum towards settlement.

By participating in this webinar presentation, attendees will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the mediation process effectively from start to finish, including practical strategies, best practices, and valuable insights to optimize their chances of achieving favorable outcomes and resolving disputes efficiently through mediation.